A Message from Your Estranged Child

Thank you to A Mother Erased for this wonderful piece written straight out of her own personal experience of being an alienated child. If you are not familiar with her work, she is writing regularly from the perspective of an alienated child and I would urge all alienated parents to read her work because it brings you the inside information as it were. What I know about children who have been alienated is encapsulated in these words and what we do at the Family Separation Clinic is to try and help parents to enact those things that this alienated child is telling us are necessary. I am so pleased that mothererased has written this for us, I hope that it brings hope and peace and courage to every alienated parent who reads it.

Memories of an Alienated Daughter


I am three years old.  You are no longer in our home and my world is shattered. I saw Daddy’s anger toward you and I will be careful not to make him angry at me too.

I am four years old and my visits with you are dwindling. Please do not give up your rights. Take what action you can, whatever action is right and necessary. Find those who can help you. Find those who will hold you up, because my world depends upon you not giving up. Do not believe Daddy when he says I am better off without you. I need you to know that is a lie.

I am five years old and you dare to show up on my birthday, to deliver a gift. I want you to know that I am so glad you are there, but I am afraid to say so. I…

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5 thoughts on “A Message from Your Estranged Child”

  1. Dear MotherErased,

    Thank you for writing this.

    I’m ashamed to admit it but, as an alienated father and even as a frequent visitor to this blog, I just forget what they are going through…. this is another posting that has made me, a grown man, tearful. And like some of the other blog posts here I will be reading it several times

    Karen, I feel my “pilgrimage” beckons. It’s all that’s left that may work – I think, I hope, I pray, I wish ….


  2. I am grateful for the opportunity to shed light on the child’s perspective, though I also know each situation has its differences too. I am also learning the parents’ perspective more deeply from all of your words, and it inspires me to keep writing my story.


  3. Thank you mothererased. I have previously read your blog. It gives hope to me that what my daughter has said in the past is not necessarily her true thoughts. I am completely alienated from her now with no contact after a bitter & lengthy high court battle in 2 countries. Your blog gives me a thought that one day, maybe there just might be a glimmer of hope.


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