Help at Holiday Times

Screen Shot 2017-10-20 at 20.42.29Today is thanksgiving in the USA.  I made this for parents there and delivered it earlier this week.  I thought it might be helpful for all of my readers.  I will make some more audio and video pieces with Nick soon for PADirect which we will launch in the new year.

Wherever you are in the world, I wish you peace in your heart and health in your body and strength in your mind and your soul.

10 thoughts on “Help at Holiday Times”

  1. Shared on facebook. Looking forward to more in the future.
    Happy holidays to everyone and to you too Karen 🙂


  2. Reblogged this on Cult Recovery UK and commented:
    This is sensational! This talk by parental alienation expert Karen Woodall can not only help alienated parents, but it can help parents with an adult child that is part of a cult. The feelings an alienated parent feels are extremely similar to a parent, that has an adult child in a cult. And… the description Karen gives of an alienated child’s genuine feelings, are also very similar to the feelings a member of a cult feels. There is a very important talk for anyone that wants to understand PA and cults, The cross over is as exciting, as it is chilling.


  3. Thank you Karen; Wishing you the best in this holiday season. C & I listened to your kind words together and will share the sentiment. You are making good waves in the Universe. Keep up the good works. You have a kind heart and a clear eye.


  4. Heads up Karen, clueless childress is spouting crap and on the attack.

    Someone needs to up his medication.


  5. Thank you for this. As I marked the 6th Thanksgiving without seeing my daughters, this really hit home. It took me until today to work up to listening to it.

    Guilt & Shame – what wonderful gifts to bless a child with! /s But so true, it is this generational sharing of such that has created the shackles I have observed on my children. And which makes it so hard for them to find a path to return.

    With Christmas the next challenge, I will take up your suggestion of lighting candles. One for each daughter. And I will reach out to let them know, and that they have not, and will never, be forgotten.


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